From Our Father's Heart and MASH United Blog

Both are available 6 days a week for you to be built up, challenged, exhorted, and encouraged in the Lord

Books and Life Application Studies

Our novel, A White Stone is today’s headlines with answers. Its sequel, The Elect, presents an exciting story about the faithfulness of God. The Father Factor provides a guide to addressing whatever challenges your family may be facing. The Overcoming Life guidebook can be used on a continual basis to help you learn how to wholly devote your life to Christ. Manna Moments is the perfect nightstand companion to draw you to meaningful moments with your Father in heaven. 
Check out our books page to see all books available in

PRINTED copy or PDF!

A 24/7 Online Praying Radio Community designed to keep you growing in the Lord through prayer, interviews, exhortations, and music.
Our programming will build up, strengthen, and reinforce your inner being, and always point you to God’s point of view.
Listen online or download our mobile app!

MASH United (Men After the Saviors Heart)

A men’s heart revival support system.  The whole family will benefit as husbands and fathers dig into resources that will help guide them in understanding their offices as husbands and fathers, so they can nurture their families into wholeness in Christ.

The Faith Resource Community